Lloyd’s Arowana

Lloyd had a feeling spending to much time changing water of his tank. Therefore he decided to ad a Nitrate King which helps him to cut down the water changes.

Lloyd’s Tank

Lloyd keeps a stunning Arowana fish, and some angel fish. The fish were doing great, Lloyd was just hoping to cut down on the water changes.


Lsl installed a Nitrate King. We just use an affordable 1000 l/hour and some hoses pump to pump water from the sump through the Nitrate King. This was a cost effictive and time saving solution.


The Nitrate levels of his tank went to almost 0.

From now onwards he has to conduct lesser water changes. He only has to recharge the Nitrate King every 4 weeks, which takes approx. 1.5 hours.

His Arowana should grow much faster from now onwards as Nitrate is know to slow the growth of fishes.

He can enjoy a lower electricity/water bill and spend more time with his family.

“The Nitrate King product from LSL was very new in the market and was very keen to try it out.

I am totally surprised how easy and fast the maintenance work is done and how much time I have on hand now conducting lesser waterchanges.

Rather than spending time on water changes, I spend more time now cooking or enjoying quality time with my loved ones. It’s worth every penny. Happy wife, happy life”, Lloyd.


Arowana Enthusiast, Singapore