Retail Price | $1100


Water changing was yesterday!

The 2 stage filtration Demineralizer King system for purest water is easy to install at existing set-ups,  can be quickly installed and deinstalled via fast clip connectors. The resins are  re-chargeable and the manufacturer guarantees last at least 10 years of usage.


Tap water normally has a conductivity of 200-300 micro Siemens in Singapore. Hence your tank should have the same parameters.

After pumping your tank water through the Demineralizer Kings filtration system, the water that flows back will have a conductivity of 0 -10 micro siemens. All common minerals such as Chloride (CL), Sulfate (SO4), Nitrite (NO2), Nitrate (NO3), Potasium (K), Calcium (CA), Natrium (NA), Magnesium (MG).

You basically can create water with 0 Kh and 0 GH which is ideal for wild species living in South America.

Water parameters wild discus PH 4-6, Conductivity 100-400 micro siemes, GH 0-3, KH 0-3.


Run tank water directly through the Demineralizer King system on a regular basis.

150 micro siemens might be a good target for your tank. By utilizing the Demineralizer king filtration system.  300-400 l/hour is a good flow rate. E.g. you for a 500l tank, 30 mins running the King filtration is equivalent to changing 50% of your tank water with RO treated water.

Feeding the fish will increase the conductivity so we need to run the filtration again. Once the conductivity reaches too high levels just run the Demineralizer Kings, which replaces your water changes from now onwards.

After running  tank water through Demineralizer king I and II water will be at a neutral PH of 7.

Note, with our common PH meters we will not be able to measure Ph anymore, because the water is at the cleanest level achievable with all substances removed and 0 conductivity.


Once the water conductivity  outcoming from the Demineralizer Kings hits 30 Micro Siemens, we have to figure out which one needs to be recharged.

Simple, the King I resins change color when exhausted. If King 1 is still in working condition, King II needs to be recharged.

LSL offers recharge service at 80 SGD per King.


Either 12/16 or the biger 16/22 hoses can be used to hook up the Silicium bead king to your tank.

16/22 might be a better choice.

Gardena quick connector clips are included, hoses not.

Via T connector and valve, you can hook up the Demineralizer Kings to your existing tank filtration. You can utilize the the water flow or your return pump or use an extra pump.

The water flow should be 300-400 l/hour. E.g. you for a 500l tank, 30 mins running the Demineralizer Kings is equivalent to changing 50% of your tank water with RO treated water.